North Sound News

Lynden veterans organization hit by burglars

It's a crime that's shocking veterans. Someone stole cash and supplies meant for local troops who won't be home for the holidays. It's the second time Lynden's VFW post was targeted by thieves in one month, according to Commander Lonnie Rose.

"It's personal. It's pretty low," he said.

VFW Post 9301 was burglarized sometime late Saturday night or early Sunday morning, according to Rose. Thieves got in through a window and broke into two rooms containing money and supplies. Members fear the suspects scouted the post before the burglary.

"I have a hunch it might be the same person coming back for seconds," Commander Rose explained.

About one month ago, someone stole money from the donation box that sits outside the VFW post on Hannegan Road, Rose said. He believes the same person is responsible for the weekend burglary.

"They don't care as long as they gain from somebody else's loss," he said. "They took supplies that we send to our deployed troops. That shipment was going to be our Christmas shipment."

The VFW estimates roughly $4,000 in damages and stolen goods meant for local troops.

Deployed servicemembers depend on care packages, especially around the holidays, according to Vice Commander Andy Sauer.

"You can be in the harshest environment but you get something heart felt and you know somebody's still thinking about you," he said.

Donations have been pouring in from community members.

The VFW set up a GoFundMe account to raise money for a security system.

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