
Seattle City Light sued over massive electricity bills

A Seattle law firm is suing Seattle City Light, accusing it of using "wildly incorrect" estimates "rather than actual readings," resulting in customers receiving massive  bills in a method attorneys say violates Seattle Municipal Code.

The plaintiff representing other customers in this class action lawsuit is Anthony Deien, whom KIRO 7 reporter Linzi Sheldon sat down with on Tuesday.

The bills at the Seattle two-bedroom apartment he shared with his sister ranged from $120 to $150 every two months. Then, in May of 2018, he received a bill for more than $1,000.

"We all just kind of laughed about it, like, a thousa​nd dollars? That doesn't even make sense," he said.

But Deien said when he called Seattle City Light to clear up what he assumed was a mistake, he was floored.

"They said, 'The bill is accurate,'" he said. "And we almost dropped the phone."

Attorney Ari Brown said Deien was being charged at summer 2018 rates for alleged electricity usage in the winter months of 2017.

See the full story here:

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