
New shelter aimed at homeless youth opens in Seattle

A new shelter will open tonight at 9 p.m. in downtown Seattle, aimed at helping homeless youth.
Street Bean Espresso on Third Avenue has been brewing up new opportunities for homeless youth by offering apprenticeships for those who qualify.
Now, the nonprofit New Horizons will also provide all-night shelter for homeless youth in the same building as Street Bean.
It’s called the Young Adult Emergency Shelter for 18- to 24-year-olds.
Union Gospel Mission is funding and staffing it; New Horizons is providing the space.
“To be able to offer that to a young person," said Mary Steele, executive director of New Horizons.
Steele has been working for years providing youth with a place to shower and eat.
“We have clothes for job interviews," said Steele showing a button-up shirt. "Sometimes we see the kid from Mercer Island who has gotten into drugs and ends up on the street. Most typically, 40-60 percent of these young people have been physically or sexually abused in their own home."
The One Night Count in 2015 found more than 800 people ages 12 to 26 were homeless or did not know where they would sleep the following night, according to New Horizons.
Steele said many young people refuse to stay in traditional emergency shelters.
"They won't use the services because they have been victimized by adults," she said.
New Horizons already provides drop-in space in the evening for around 50 people, and refuge for those who qualify for the apprenticeship.   
Steele said, the Young Adult Emergency Shelter is the second largest young adult shelter in the state.
"We're delighted to offer that safety," she said.
New Horizons executive director said a second Street Bean Coffee shop will be opening this summer in the U. District -- at 50th and Roosevelt.
It’s part of a partnership between New Horizons and the U. District Food Bank, Steele said.
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