
WSP emphasizes moving over and slowing down when driving through road work zones

SEATTLE — Move over or slow down, that’s the message Washington State Patrol is emphasizing.

“Respect the people that are doing the work to make our roads better,” said Matt McLaughlin.

Across Western Washington, drivers come across a number of work zones. When driving through these areas remember to be cautious.

“I’ve actually heard a couple stories of people getting hit on the side of the road sometimes,” said Kimberly Gonzalez.

Washington sees an average of about 626 highway work zone-related injuries every year.

By law, drivers approaching an emergency or a work zone are required to move over one lane if possible or slow down to 10 miles below the speed limit.

“I feel like I used to see it a lot before, I think over the years, I don’t think a lot of people do that,” said Gonzalez.

Over the next two months, WSP is conducting emphasis patrols throughout the state to remind drivers about the law.

WSDOT says the top three causes of work zone crashes are distracted drivers, speeding, and driving too closely.

“One of the most annoying things in the world is when you’re trying to move over a little bit and they are not paying attention to the things around them,” said McLaughlin.

One thing to always keep in mind is how your actions can affect those around you.

“We all just want to be safe, right? We all want to get home at the end of the day to our families,” said Gonzalez.

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