
Video shows woman slamming door on attempted home invader in Kent

KENT, Wash. — A Kent family is shaken after a man tried to push his way into their home with a gun in hand. The attempted home invasion happened in the city’s East Hill neighborhood, just off Southeast 240 Street.

The victims, a married couple, were coming home from the Riverside Casino, and they believe they were followed home. The victims’ son, Jimmy Huynh, was woken by the struggle and came downstairs to find his parents fighting the man off. Jimmy said at first his mom leaned against the door with all she had, while the suspect’s hand and foot were in the doorframe.

Their doorbell camera caught the entire struggle and a clear picture of the armed man trying to get inside.

“Something had startled her or gave her reason to turn back,” said Jimmy Huynh.

In the footage, Jimmy’s dad walks inside first followed several steps behind by his mom. You can see her pause, then look back, the camera catching the instant she realizes she’s not alone. You can see her bolt for the door with the armed, masked man less than a step behind her.

“The moment she got inside the house she did a 360 and leaned as hard as she could on the door and it didn’t close all the way,” said Jimmy. “He had his hand in between the doorway and he also had a foot. Kind of like a stop.”

You can see the final push from Jimmy’s dad to seal the door in the footage, as well as the gun in the suspect’s hand.

“And you saw there was an extended magazine on there -- I believe there’s like 30 rounds in that easily,” said Jimmy.

The Kent Police Department now has the footage where you can also see a second person walk up to the steps in between the suspect beating the camera with the butt of the gun.

“There was a clear shot of the person’s face and they [Kent PD] were like ‘oh OK, this guy looks familiar,’” said Jimmy.

The attempted home invasion now has Jimmy’s family and the entire block on high alert.

“What would have happened if she wasn’t aware of her surroundings?” Jimmy posited.

Thomas Daniel, who also lives on the block, said since the failed breach, “there’s no more being lackadaisical, let’s unpack what we have, get into the house.”

“No, it’s get in the car and get out,” he added.

Kent PD is still looking for the suspect, if you have any information call their non-emergency number at 253-852-2121.

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