
New video shows Auburn Police officers saving man's life with Narcan

AUBURN, Wash. — New video released by the Auburn Police Department (embedded below) shows officers responding to an overdose in a parking lot on Jan. 11.

Police said customers at a Safeway called just before 1 p.m. to report an adult male found lying in the parking lot unconscious. Witnesses said the man’s breathing was labored and ragged.

While some began performing CPR on the man, others called 911 for help.

"As luck would have it, bike officers Sedillo and Kapule as well as patrol division's Officer Wilkinson were just around the corner when the tones went off. All three were on scene within minutes of the call for help. Officer Sedillo's body worn camera captured the scene. While Officer Kapule took over CPR from the Good Samaritans who were helping the man, Officer Sedillo retrieved his Narcan kit and ultimately administered two doses," police said.

The department’s investigation revealed that the man had overdosed on opioids, but the two doses of Narcan administered helped save his life.

The Auburn Police Department said the video helps to answer a common question they receive: "What is the most important thing you do?"

“The answer? The protection of life. Period,” Police said. “We’re posting this (video) to show you what it’s like on the front lines.”

Watch the video embedded below. GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING:

"CPR in Progress..."

1-11-19, 12:47 PM Safeway, 101 Auburn Way South. Emergency tones, “CPR in progress” “Adult male…unconscious…not breathing normally. Laying in the middle of the parking lot…has inhaler next to him, turning blue…unassisted CPR in progress” People often ask us “What is the most important thing you do?” we get asked that question a lot. What is the most important part of your job? The answer? The protection of life. Period. Within the last year or so police agencies throughout King County began to implement Narcan (Naloxone) programs for their officers. Narcan is used as an emergency treatment for known or suspected opioid overdoses. At APD all medical kits are equipped with Narcan vials and all officers are trained in its application . On 1-11-19 at 12:47 PM customers in the Safeway parking lot found an adult male, lying in the parking lot unconscious. His breathing was labored and ragged. Those customers, our citizens, jumped in to help. Some began performing CPR while others called 911 to start help. As luck would have it, bike officers Sedillo and Kapule as well as patrol division’s Officer Wilkinson were just around the corner when the tones went off. All three were on scene within minutes of the call for help. Officer Sedillo’s body worn camera captured the scene. While Officer Kapule took over CPR from the Good Samaritans who were helping the man, Officer Sedillo retrieved his Narcan kit and ultimately administered two doses. Officers Bemis and Bateman arrived on scene and Officer Bateman can be seen bringing his AED defibrillator. Valley Regional Fire Authority and King County Medic One arrived on scene and took over life saving measures. The man survived. The investigation later revealed that the man had overdosed on opioids. We don’t have to tell you that opioid addiction is an epidemic in our society right now. We’re not posting this so that people can make judgements on someone’s life choices; everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. We’re posting this to show you what it’s like on the front lines. We’re proud and grateful for the citizens who saw what happened, stepped up, took the initiative and saved a man’s life. We’re proud of our officers, firefighters and medics. When the chips were down, they remained calm, worked together and saved a life. Because of their actions, the officers involved are being considered for the APD lifesaving medal. A word of warning, the video is intense; it’s intense because life and death hung in the balance.

Posted by Auburn WA Police Department on Friday, January 25, 2019
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