
Council member Sawant says she was ‘maced and gassed’ during protest

SEATTLE — Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant said she was “maced and gassed” early Monday along with hundreds of others while protesting on Capitol Hill.

She said in a tweet that all the group wanted to do was march when police took action.

"They are not armed, all they have is umbrellas and cellphones and their solidarity, and under (Seattle Mayor Jenny) Durkan’s watch day after day, night after night, the police have targeted these protesters,” said Sawant.

She called the violence shameful and decried Durkan, who said earlier there would be a 30-day pause in the use of tear gas.

Sawant has been calling for Durkan’s resignation, citing an “abuse of power” during protests in the city.

“Jenny Durkan has failed the working people of Seattle since day one of her administration. She has now abused her power, and harmed thousands of ordinary people on the streets – all in defense of big business and the status quo of racism and inequality,” Sawant said in a news release.

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