
Sawant calls for Mayor Durkan’s resignation citing an ‘abuse of power’

SEATTLE — Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant (District 3, Central Seattle) on Saturday called for Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan’s resignation citing an “abuse of power” amid ongoing demonstrations in the city.

Sawant said the thousands of people who have come out to demand justice for police killings and systemic change have been met with violence and brutality from officers.

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“Jenny Durkan has failed the working people of Seattle since day one of her administration. She has now abused her power, and harmed thousands of ordinary people on the streets – all in defense of big business and the status quo of racism and inequality,” Sawanat said in a news release.

Sawant said Durkan has “repeatedly unleashed Seattle police to use escalating violence against ordinary people.”

She also said that under Durkan’s direction police have used tear gas, mace, rubber bullets, flashbang grenades, curfews and more on activists “in an attempt to bully and silence the protest movement.”

She went on to say that under Durkan’s leadership, the police have used militaristic tactics “to try to spread fear among ordinary people.”

Sawant’s call for Durkan’s resignation came as thousands of protesters took to the streets of Seattle for a ninth-straight day of demonstrations.

Click here to read Sawant’s full call for Durkan’s resignation.

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