
Bat in Whatcom County tests positive for rabies, health officials warn

Photo of a bat that tested positive for rabies on Whidbey Island in August

WHATCOM COUNTY, Wash. — For the first time this year, a bat has tested positive for rabies in Whatcom County.

The Whatcom County Health and Community Services Department sent out an alert Wednesday to inform the public.

“Bats are the primary carrier of rabies in Washington State. Between 3-10% of bats submitted for testing in Washington State are found to have rabies,” the alert states.

If you are ever bitten by a bat, health officials say to clean the site with soap and water and call your healthcare provider right away.

The rabies virus attacks the nervous system, according to health officials, and once symptoms appear, the disease is nearly always deadly. However, the health department says rabies in humans is 100% preventable if a vaccine is given quickly after a bite or scratch.