
Coronavirus: People string up Christmas lights to brighten dark times of COVID-19 pandemic

Christmas may have been months ago, but some communities are pulling out the lights again to help brighten the darkness surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Good Morning America” reported that people are going on social media, specifically Twitter, to put the lights out to show there is still life outside while everyone is cooped up practicing social distancing and self-quarantines.

One Rhode Island family said they did it as a way to spend time together while in self-quarantine, WJAR reported.

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“My youngest son was bored today and said, ‘Can we put Christmas lights on our tree outside to cheer us up?’ Great idea buddy. Lights are on tonight as a sign of hope and the sweet mind of my 10 year old,” the Griffin family wrote on Twitter, according to WJAR.

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Now #lightsforlife is being used by social media users to share their light displays, either with still photos or videos.

Some are saying the lights are a sign of hope, The News & Observer in Raleigh reported.

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And some people are pledging to turn them on every night until the new coronavirus goes away.

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