
Steven Powell held on 50k bail in child porn case

Steven Powell, the father-in-law of missing woman Susan Cox Powell, was back in court Tuesday to plead not guilty to a child porn charge.

In 2012, Powell was able to have a child pornography charge filed against him dismissed.  But now, thanks to the Washington State Court of Appeals, that charge has come back to haunt him.

KIRO 7's Alison Grande was in court for Powell's appearance. She's putting together video right now for KIRO 7 Eyewitness News from 5-6:30 p.m.

Powell, 64, was arrested Monday after the appellate court ruled trial judge Ronald Culpepper was mistaken when he dismissed the charge saying video of two young neighbor girls did not meet the legal threshold for child porn.

The appellate court disagreed.

“Child pornography does not have to be hardcore pornography to meet the definition under the law,” said Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Lindquist. “These are naked underage girls that he is videotaping and photographing.”

Powell was convicted on 14 counts of voyeurism in May 2012 for repeatedly videotaping and photography the girls, then ages eight and ten, from the bedroom window of his South Hill home as they used a family bathroom. He was released from prison in March 2013 and has since lived in Department of Corrections housing. He is registered as a level two sex offender.

Bail for Powell was set at $50,000 Tuesday afternoon. If he is convicted on the child porn charge Powell faces up to five years in prison.

“At times it seems like the Steven Powell show is never ending,” Lindquist said. “But these should be our final charges, he should to off to prison and that should close the door on Mr. Powell.”

Powell's son Josh was considered the prime suspect in the disappearance of his wife, Susan Cox Powell, from the couple's home in Utah in 2009. Her body was never found. He killed himself and his two sons in a fiery explosion at his home in Graham in February 2012.

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