
Unprovoked attack fractures Seattle woman’s lower jaw

SEATTLE — A woman enjoying her first night out on the town since the beginning of the pandemic was the victim of an unprovoked attack in downtown Seattle Tuesday night, according to the Seattle Police Department.

Melinda McBride recalls it was around 9 p.m. on April 19. She was waiting for the bus at the corner of Third Avenue and Seneca Street after attending an event at Town Hall. The 63-year-old from Shoreline relies on the bus to get around. She has a vision disability and is unable to drive.

“I have my flashlight in my safety vest and I’m trying to be prudent and careful,” said McBride.

She was about to board on the backdoor of the bus when suddenly she was hit from behind. Police told her the assailant punched her twice.

“It happened very fast. I don’t even recall two punches,” said McBride. “I suddenly found myself under the bus with a broken jaw and I was bleeding a lot.”

McBride recalls scrambling out from beneath the bus and rushing to tell the driver what happened.

“I want to really appreciate and thank the bus driver,” said McBride. “As soon as he understood the situation, he got the call in.”

According to McBride: police, fire and EMS showed up within minutes.

The woman said the attack fractured her lower jaw, her teeth are out of alignment and she will need surgery.

“I could tell that my jaw was all messed up,” said McBride.

Witnesses provided a description of the man to the police, but he was not found.

“We don’t know yet anything about this person, but I think a person who behaves that way is not in a healthy mental state,” said McBride. “I was so lucky, but the next person might not be as lucky.”

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