
Officer helps save toddler who swallowed fentanyl pill at Tacoma park

TACOMA, Wash. — A 2-year-old boy is recovering at a Tacoma hospital after police said he accidentally ingested a fentanyl pill at a Tacoma park on Thursday afternoon.

According to police, the child and his mother were at Oakland Madrona Park when the boy found the pill in the dirt.

The mom told police that she walked over to see what the child had in his hand and soon after, he began to appear lethargic.

The mother gathered what was left of the pill and started driving her son to the hospital.

She called 911 when the car ran out of gas around South 15th and South Court D streets.

Tacoma police officer Masyih Ford rushed to help.

“When I heard that call come out, my heart absolutely dropped,” Ford told reporters.

When he arrived, “she handed me her child and he was unresponsive and limp in my arms and he was blue in the face,” Ford said.

Ford performed CPR until Tacoma Fire Department medics arrived.

The mom showed Ford the remains of the pill, which he recognized as fentanyl.

Medics gave the boy Narcan, which immediately revived him.

Ford later visited the boy in the hospital and spoke again with his mom on Friday. He said the boy should be OK.

Metro Parks Tacoma sent workers to remove trash from the park on Friday morning.

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