
Metal balls spill onto West Seattle street

A family in West Seattle recorded cellphone video from inside their car as it was pelted by 2-pound metal balls that spilled out of a truck by the hundreds down SW Genesee Street near 30th Avenue SW Wednesday afternoon.

The video sent to KIRO 7 showed the family’s windshield crack as metal balls crashed down on the car.

Police said six vehicles were damaged by the industrial grinding balls and no one was hurt.

The truck driver told officers he was heading back to the facility that had just loaded the metal balls on the truck when he took a wrong turn, according to Seattle police, and was rerouted by his GPS up a steep section of SW Genesee Street toward SW Avalon Way.

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"Came to a halt and spinning its tires,” said neighbor Matt Sexton, who was walking his dog. “And then it decided to reverse out, gained a lot of speed and when he hit the brakes the back end busted open."

The metal balls were being transported inside large bags that had “2000 KG” and “Forged Steel Balls” labels. Officers said there were are least 7 bags being hauled off to the Midwest.

"Thought they wouldn't cause that much damage but then saw all the cars stop, starting to reverse,” said Sexton.

Other neighbors told KIRO 7 they were inside their homes when they heard the crash.

"At first I thought it was just avocados, at first, but then I looked, and I thought it was so loud,” said Joud Inaimi. "I was worried about, like, all the people on the street."

Police said this wasn’t the first time a truck has spilled its load on the steep section of SW Genesee Street near 30th Avenue SW. A neighbor shared pictures with KIRO 7 that showed another truck with furniture that spilled onto the street.

The stretch of SW Genesee Street, from SW Avalon Way to 26th Avenue SW, reopened around 11 p.m. after the city spent hours cleaning up the metal balls.

Seattle police said the truck driver was cited for failing to secure his load. He declined an interview.

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