
'Seattle March Against Sharia' ends with violence

SEATTLE — It came at the end of the formal march and rally for both sides.   ACT for America supporters and those who oppose them suddenly raised their fists.   But almost as quickly, it was over.

The incident was halted when Seattle police doused them in pepper spray.

A few feet away, a swarm of officers surrounded two men and a woman and handcuffed them.  All three were arrested for obstruction.

Both groups began the demonstration peacefully.  Hundreds gathered in Occidental Park for a counter-demonstration to show support for Muslim Americans.

"It's tough right now. It really is. But this changes everything," said long time resident and pro-Muslim protester Aziz Junejo.

Demonstrators then marched to Seattle City Hall.  At City Hall they encountered the ACT for America activists, and attempted to drown out the rally they came to protest.

"Hello, everybody," said Mark Lori, an Iranian-American who converted from Islam to Christianity and supporter of ACT for America. "Thank you for coming here. Because we stand on the truth."

But others held heated discussions on the street.

"Because I get a right to show what I believe," an ACT for America supporter shouted to a woman. "I get a right to show what I believe."

Despite tension, for the most part, people expressed their very different views here in peace.

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