
Police still looking for suspect in shooting of 21-year-old man in Capitol Hill

Seattle police are still looking for the gunman who shot and killed a 21-year-old father of two in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood last Wednesday night.

Hakeem Salahud-din died after he was shot in the head at Cal Anderson Park.

“I still can't believe he's gone,” said Sharron Sanford, Salahud-din’s cousin.

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According to Sanford, Salahud-din was from Federal Way and was playing basketball with friends at Cal Anderson Park.

Police said there was some type of disturbance on the basketball courts.

Salahud-din’s family said a friend told them he died trying to break up a fight.

“A fight broke out between a male and a female. And he knew the girl and he went over to help and he got shot,” Sanford explained.

Sanford said she is not surprised her cousin would step in to help someone.

But she's overcome with emotion, knowing his two little girls, just 1 and 2 years old, will grow up without their father.

“I try not to cry about it but when it’s your family, then you just feel some type of way,” Sanford added.

Salahud-din also leaves behind his fiance, who is pregnant with their third child due in August, a day after he would have turned 22.

Sanford said her cousin loved being a father and was trying to get his life on track for his family.

“I'm just going to pretty much miss what could have happened in the future. It was just unfortunate he had to die at a young age,” Sanford said.

Sanford is pleading with witnesses and the shooter to come forward.

“I just hope you feel guilty. pretty much. Hope you have it in your heart to step up and say this was an accident and maybe our family can have some peace,” Sanford said.

The family is trying to raise money to bury Salahud-din. If you'd like to help, follow this link.

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