
Loved ones speaking out after man in ICU with severe brain injury after fight at party

EVERETT, Wash. — Loved ones are looking for answers about what happened after a man ended up in the ICU with a brain injury after a fight broke out at a birthday party over the weekend.

An Everett father of two is clinging to life after a fight broke out at a birthday party over the weekend.

Brittany Paxton is desperately trying to keep it together. She's struggling to find the words to explain to her two young kids that their father, Dillian Murphy, is now fighting for his life at the hospital. He's currently in ICU at Providence Hospital with severe brain injuries and has already undergone two surgeries.

"We're trying our best to focus on Dillian and make sure he's OK. But at the same time it's so hard to just know what happened," Paxton said.

Murphy was celebrating a friend's birthday at Clubhouse Bar and Grill Friday night. All Paxton knows is that a fight broke out involving upward of 20 people. But that's where the information goes cold.

"All we know his head was smashed in the ground. And I don't understand how somebody could do that to anybody," Paxton said.

Paxton says Murphy's friends say they didn't see anything. She's also unclear if Murphy was involved in the fight.

"It's a possibility. They're out for a friend's birthday. They were drinking. If he felt one of his friends was in danger in one of those fights, then he would definitely have their back in that situation," Paxton added.

Murphy's dad, Justin Johnson, is also at a loss.

"I'm just worried about Dillian. What my focus needs to be on. Just Dillian," Johnson said.

Paxton wants answers and hopes if anyone knows anything, they would come forward.

"I think Dillian deserves justice out of all this. I don't think someone capable of doing this should be walking around freely," Paxton said.

Everett Police are investigating.

If you want to help, a GoFundMe account was setup for Dillian Murphy.

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