
‘It's OK to be white' signs posted around WSU campus

The Daily Evergreen reported that passersbys wrote or altered the posters. One sign was revised to say, “Love will always win.”

Credit to Rachel Sun at the Daily Evergreen

Posters that read “it’s OK to be white” were found on the Washington State University campus.

“It’s OK to be white” signs began as a suggestion on 4chan last month and bounced across white nationalist feeds online.

Signs and stickers proclaiming the phrase have appeared across college campuses nationwide. A right-wing blogger was recently arrested at an "It's OK to be white" speech at UConn after a massive fight.

At WSU, the signs were the second wave of the postings on campus. Last time it happened, fliers were found on campus in early November.

This week, The Daily Evergreen reported that passersbys wrote or altered the posters. One sign was revised to say, "Love will always win." Roughly six to eight stickers were plastered on poles.

WSU Vice President of Communication Phil Weiler told The Evergreen that he sees no justification for the behavior of the group or person putting up the signs.

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