
Initiative 976 poised to head to November ballot. Opponents concerned voters won't know full impact

OLYMPIA, Wash. — The battle over car tab fees in Washington heats up again with Initiative 976 now expected to head to the polls in November.

On Thursday, anti-tax activist Tim Eyman, who is the measure's sponsor, turned in 352,211 signatures in support of the initiative to reduce car tab fees in Washington to $30.

“I think people learn that we are really close and that’s what’s put us over the top,” said Eyman.

Opponents of the Initiative 976 gathered on the Capitol steps Thursday to announce a bi-partisan coalition to fight the measure.

“We are worried and that’s why we are launching this campaign,” said Andrew Villeneuve, with the Northwest Progressive Institute. “It’s going to take a lot of efforts to educate Washingtonians about the impacts.”

They said money taken away from car tab fees would cut millions in funding for voter-approved mass transit projects such as Sound Transit 3, as well as for road projects and public transit statewide.

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“This is a measure that greatly threatens our business climate, our freedom of mobility and our future prosperity” said Villeneuve.

Eyman filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy last fall, in response to the large fines issued against him in the state's pending corruption lawsuit.

He told KIRO 7 his focus right now is on getting Initiative 976 passed and said that the Legislature should concentrate on prioritizing its spending.

"I think that's a positive thing, the extra public scrutiny and extra legislative oversight that our initiative provides,” said Eyman.

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