
Murder of Seattle Federal Prosecutor Tom Wales: Reward for info increased to $1.52 million

SEATTLE — The reward for information on the unsolved 2001 Seattle murder of federal prosecutor Tom Wales was increased Wednesday to $1.52 million.

Federal authorities also said they have evidence suggesting the shooting involved a conspiracy and a hitman.

Anyone with information is asked to call (206) 622-0460 or e-mail walestips@fbi.gov. Anonymous tips also can be sent to the FBI at 1110 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA, 98101. 

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Wales, 49, was sitting at his computer when he was shot at least two times through a basement window in his Queen Anne home.

The investigation has involved tens of thousands of documents, including numerous leads over 16 years that have not led to an arrest.

The FBI and Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstine announced updates Wednesday. The press conference also included Wales’ daughter, Amy; Seattle Mayor and former U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan, interim Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best, King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg and others.

A Bellevue-area airline pilot who Wales had prosecuted in a fraud case has long been a suspect in the shooting. He was investigated and his homes searched on several occasions, but no charges were ever filed. No arrests have been made in the case.

The Seattle Times says the FBI is investigating a possible connection to that pilot and a small of group of people who may have been involved in Wales' homicide.

Amy Wales told KIRO 7 in 2011 that she's not giving up hope to find her father’s killer.

"I know for a fact that these types of things take time, and I really mean it when I say that I'm patient, that it will be resolved,” she said.

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