
What does Trump's presidency mean for Washington state?

Donald Trump is elected president of the United States.

The Republican nominee won after capturing Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes, putting him over the 270 threshold.

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Voters eager to shake up the nation's political establishment picked the celebrity businessman to become the nation's 45th president. Trump rode an astonishing wave of support from voters seeking change and willing to accept a candidate loose with facts and accused of sexual misconduct.

He upset Democrat Hillary Clinton, who would have become the first woman to serve in the Oval Office.

Trump struck a populist tone and placed a hardline immigration stance at his campaign's heart.

What does Trump's presidency mean for Washington state?

KIRO 7 News' Essex Porter explains what Donald Trump's presidency means for Washington state.

What happens with the Affordable Care Act: Trump promises to repeal and replace Obamacare. Washington State has embraced it and used Obamacare money to expand Medicare.

What happens with Immigration: In the Washington Poll, citizens were against the Trump wall and for a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

What happens with Trade: Trump wants to tear up trade agreements and punish China. Washington is the nation's largest trading state.

Recap of the big local campaigns

ST3 leading with huge margin; property taxes expected to increase

Sound Transit 3 – the most expensive transit package in Washington State history – was leading in the polls after the initial vote drop Tuesday night.

Jay Inslee re-elected as Washington state governor

Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee has defeated Republican challenger Bill Bryant to win re-election.

Voters approve Initiative 1491 allowing temporary suspension of firearms access

Voters approved a measure to reduce gun violence by taking firearms away from people who are found by a judge to be a danger to themselves or others.

Pramila Jayapal leading in Seattle's 7th Congressional District

Pramila Jayapal is leading the race to win Seattle’s 7th Congressional District and fill progressive Congressman Jim McDermott’s seat following his retirement.

State Rep. Brady Walkinshaw announced a challenge to McDermott before the 27-year Washington representative publically said in January that he was retiring.

McDermott is nationally famous for traveling to Iraq in the run-up to the 2003 conflict and saying that President George W. Bush would mislead Americans to win their support for the war.

Washington's carbon tax that had environmentalists clashing is losing

Washington voters weighed in on climate-related ballot measures that could reverberate throughout the country and become the nation’s first-ever carbon tax.

Initiative Measure 732 is losing, according to first-round results on Tuesday.

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