
Boy's wallet lost in 1972 found behind lockers at Wenatchee pool; owner found

A wallet lost in 1972 has been found by a work crew in Wenatchee who is updating part of the City of Wentachee’s pool facility.

Wenatchee World says the wallet, owned by Harry LaRue, contains some family pictures, and a Boy Scout Card.  The World says it estimates that LaRue was about 10 when he lost the wallet and that he lived in East Wenatchee.

The wallet was found behind the boys’ lockers at the city pool by a city crew who was updating the changing room.

A reporter from the World tried to find LaRue, but has been unable to.

After seeing the World's Facebook post, someone who knows a man by the same name said she contacted him and he was calling the city, who, who has the wallet.

KIRO 7 then received a message from LaRue's wife, Marsha, who said the wallet did indeed belong to her husband, and that they would be back in the area in June to collect it.

Hey Harry LaRue, they found your wallet. You know, the one you lost in 1972 when you were maybe 10 years old. It was...

Posted by Wenatchee World on Friday, April 20, 2018
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