
After rash of break-ins Renton police warning residents to secure outdoor sheds

RENTON, Wash. — Renton police say there have been 8 shed break ins in the past few months. Thieves took tools, wiring, a computer and golf carts.

Many of the sheds were unlocked when thieves struck.

Police recommend using a high-quality lock and reinforcing the door of your shed. If you have outward swinging doors, you should also replace your door pins with hinge bolts. They also recommending anchoring your shed to the ground.

Other suggestions include:

  • Install motion detector lights on the shed to deter intruders.
  • If you have a security camera, make sure to extend the coverage to include the shed.
  • If you have valuable equipment, install floor anchors to secure the items.
  • Install latch guards to prevent prying to your locking mechanism.
  • Repair weak spots in your fence or gate and lock the gates to provide another barrier.

And always call the police to report any suspicious activity.