
Bicycle patrols return to Bellevue

BELLEVUE, Wash. — Police officers on bicycles are back on patrol Friday morning in Bellevue.

Four officers assigned to the unit underwent extensive training to ensure they stay safe while working to reduce crime.

The goal is to have extra patrols to reduce property crime, such as car thefts and burglaries. Such crimes increased to more than 20 percent in Bellevue over the last five years.

Aside from using their bikes to access places like parks and trails, the hope is for the officers to create more trust in the community, so people will be comfortable talking to officers to alert them to criminal activities.




“I think more of a police presence on foot, on bikes, out of their cars is a great idea that is incredibly needed,” said Bellevue man Kelan Koenig.

Bicycle patrols began in Bellevue in the 90s but ended in 2011 because of recession-related budget cuts.

The city council approved funding for two bicycle officers and a supervisor to start working at 10am Friday. Two more officers will come on board later this year.

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