
Coronavirus: Duke University orders weeklong quarantine for undergraduates

DURHAM, N.C. — Duke University officials issued a quarantine order that will require all undergraduates to quarantine for a week due to a coronavirus outbreak.

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The quarantine, which will go into effect at 12:01 a.m. Sunday, mandates that all students stay-in-place until March 21, WRAL reported. University officials said the most recent COVID-19 outbreak on campus was caused by students who attended recruitment parties.

Students could face suspension or dismissal for “flagrant or repeat violators,” according to The Associated Press.

“This action is necessary to contain the rapidly escalating number of COVID cases among Duke undergraduates, which is principally driven by students attending recruitment parties for selective living groups,” the university said in a statement. “Over the past week more than 180 students are in isolation for a positive COVID-19 test, and an additional 200 students are in quarantine as a result of contact tracing. This is by far the largest one-week number of positive tests and quarantines since the start of the pandemic,.”

University officials said they would provide a policy update on Thursday, WRAL reported.

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