
Teacher uses racist language speaking to Seattle school student

SEATTLE — In letter addressed to families, a teacher at Rainier Beach High School used racist language while speaking to a student during class on Thursday.

The letter, signed by the administrative staff of Rainier Beach High School, was confirmed by a spokesperson from Seattle Public Schools.

“During classroom instruction, while speaking to a student, the teacher used highly inappropriate, extremely offensive language directed at a student,” the letter said.

The staff said they are committed to full transparency, and said the teacher in question “used the N-word.”

“We immediately notified the district’s human resources team, which will conduct an investigation,” the letter continued.

The teacher was told not to report to school on Friday and will remain on administrative leave pending the conclusion of an investigation.

“There is absolutely no excuse for this type of behavior, and it breaks our hearts to have to report this to our students, staff, and school community. Our school stands together against any and all aspects of racism, as does our entire district,” the staff said.

The letter said the school will offer students and staff full support as they process “the news of this incident.”

“We want our entire school community to know that it is crucial to bring these types of incidents to light because there is absolutely no tolerance for hateful, racist comments and behavior at Rainier Beach High School, or anywhere else,” the letter concluded.

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