
South Seattle man brutally attacked on his way to work

SEATTLE — Nathan Wyatt is home but still in a world of hurt. The right side of his face is swollen, his eye black.

“I’m feeling kind of sore. My eye is messed up, fractures in the bone in my eye,” said Wyatt.

Wyatt said he was on his way to work Friday morning. It was just before 5 a.m. at the bus stop off Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Othello Street.

“Three guys, three or four guys, one of them tapped me on (the) shoulder and asked me what set I was from. I told them I wasn’t part of no set. I was heading to work,” he recounted.

That's when he said they attacked him.

“All I seen were a couple of fists hit me, and I was out,” he said. The next thing he remembers, he was staggering home.

“After that, I don’t know what happened. I don’t know how long I was on the ground when I woke up coming home and staggering,” Wyatt remembered. “But when I got to the corner here, the police came, they stopped me.”

He called his fiancee, Andrea Clark. She raced out of bed. “I was literally terrified because I felt like I was going to lose him, and I never want to feel that way again,” Clark said.

He was transported to Harborview Medical Center, where he spent most of Friday.

“It’s not that serious, but you put so much pain in this person you don’t know,” Clark said.

The attackers stole his backpack, which had some clothes and over-the-counter medications. He’s worried they could strike again.

“I just really hope they get caught, so I can see who did this to me,” Wyatt said.

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