
Sammamish city manager removed from job

SAMMAMISH, Wash. — After a lengthy investigation, the Sammamish City Council voted to part ways with City Manager Dave Rudat.

KIRO 7′s Lauren Donovan obtained documents detailing this investigation. Click here to view the “Notice of Proposed Discipline.”

Published on Nov. 17, 2021, the document claims a family member living with Rudat would sometimes “listen in” or eavesdrop on conversations with other council members and the city attorney – thus violating attorney-client privilege. “It is clear that the Family Member not only listened to the conversations…but that she passed the information she gleaned from these conversations” to another citizen, “who in addition to being politically active and wanting to advance certain interests in the community, is also a prolific blogger for Sammamish.”

The city brokered what it calls a “separation agreement” with Rudat. Former Sammamish city council member Pam Stuart is calling on the mayor’s office to share the official agreement with the public.

“When government officials withhold information about wrongdoing because it would make the city look bad is the very definition of a government cover-up,” said Stuart. “When an elected official knows about wrongdoing, they have an obligation to intervene and take action.”

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