
Local startup creates portable chair that converts into bulletproof vest

SEATTLE — With security on the minds of many people following ongoing gun violence across the country, a local startup says it has a solution with a unique bulletproof vest.

Continued debate on how to best protect people has sparked ideas ranging from arming teachers, to hiring more armed guards to creating tougher gun laws.

The creator of the product is proposing a bulletproof vest that converts from a portable outdoor chair.

Made up of numerous layers of high-tech plastic fabric, the Prydwen can protect the wearer from bullets fired from handguns at all distances. It also includes an insert for an optional plate that can protect against high-powered rifle fire as well, according to the product's website.

The creator of the product, Aaron Ansel of Practical Protection, said the Prydwen could be used for schools, offices and outdoor events.  He showed KIRO 7 how it quickly transforms from a seat into a high-caliber ballistic vest. Watch the short video below.

Scroll past the video to continue reading.

KIRO 7 asked the creator how the vest fits into the safety debate, and he admitted that he wishes he didn't have to create it.

“The market is unfortunate. It’s not a product that I even think should have to be on the market, but for me, it’s mostly about the technology. It’s the fact that we have technology that’s available to stop extremely high-powered guns,” said creator Aaron Ansel with Practical Protection.

The vest retails for about $100.

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