
Legendary Husky announcer, rower Lou Gellerman dies at 79

A University of Washington legend has passed away -- but not before leaving his mark. 

Lou Gellermann, 79, was perhaps best known for his booming voice as a public address announcer at Husky Stadium, and for his favorite opening line: "Hello Dawg Fans!"

Gellermann was also a member of Washington's 1958 eight-oared crew that rowed to a historic victory in the USSR.

In 1958, Gellerman and the UW varsity eight traveled to England for the Henley Royal Regatta, where the Huskies lost to the Leningrad Trud Club.  

A rematch was arranged and the Husky eight traveled on to Moscow, where they beat the Soviets in the first sports event ever broadcast back to the United States from behind the Iron Curtain. 

The victory made headlines internationally.

In 1984, the '58 crew was inducted into the Husky Hall of Fame.

Gellerman attended the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome as an alternate. He served as a rowing coach at the U.S Naval Academy before returning to Seattle in 1968 to coach rowing at UW.

Gellerman retired as a public announcer at Husky Stadium in 2007. 

Gellerman was a Seattle native and attended Roosevelt High School. He rowed four seasons at UW and graduated with a degree in communications in 1958.

Gellermann is survived by three sisters, a son and a daughter and two grandchildren.

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