
$1.2 million bail set for man suspected of hitting, killing protester on I-5

SEATTLE — Friends are remembering a protestor killed on I-5 as having a devotion to animals and social justice.

This, as the suspect in the crash appeared in court.  Another protester was critically injured.

What happened to them has the activist community really shaken.

Now two memorials have been created, one in Westlake Park and another outside Urban Animal on Capitol Hill where Summer Taylor worked.

This is how Capitol Hill is honoring 24-year-old Taylor who had two passions, say those who knew them, animals and racial equity.

Vic Paige, who met Taylor three years ago as part of a close-knit animal-loving community, says she wasn't surprised Taylor was protesting on I-5.

"Summer had two full- time jobs," said Paige. "In the morning, they were here at Urban Animal, taking care of everyone's animals. And then at night they were protesting for Black Lives Matter, protesting for their community, their family."

Indeed, Taylor was among those protesting on I-5 early Saturday morning.

Video captures the moment a white Jaguar struck the activist and critically injured 32-year-old Diaz Love.

 Taylor, who was non-binary and used the pronouns "they and them," died hours later at Harborview Medical Center.  Love is in serious condition, but improving.

 The alleged driver, 27-year-old Dawit Kelete, was in a King County courtroom facing vehicular homicide and vehicular assault charges. A small crowd of Taylor's supporters stood outside. 

The famed lawyer the suspect's family hired, John Henry Browne, says he knows little so far.

"I need to know more about his family, his background, full-time job he has," said Browne. "A lot of things."

Love posted a picture from her hospital bed, vowing not to end her activism.

What happened to both of them, especially Taylor's death, has affected even those they never knew.

"She's a little white girl," said Carl Rolle, a black Capitol Hill resident. "And there she is, thinking about other people and somebody ran her over. I haven't seen that person. I don't know what that person looks like. But whoever that person was, he committed an act of terror against her person."

The judge did not go easy on the suspect, setting his bail at $1.2 million, $700,000 more than the prosecutor sought.

His next court appearance is set for Wednesday.

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