
Video of New York 'Pizza Rat' goes viral

A rat has gained notoriety after a comedian videotaped the rodent scurrying down a subway staircase with a slice of pizza.

His video – taken as his brother and him were walking through a New York subway’s turnstile - has gone viral.

“Watching this rat trying to carry something bigger than him down the stairs is in a way a great encapsulation of what it’s like to be a New Yorker,” 35-year-old  Matt Little said.

Little says his brother was shocked by the response the video received.

“I told my brother that it was kind of blowing up on Twitter, and he said ‘all these people are getting in touch with you over a video of a mouse?’ And I said, ‘no, over a video of a rat,'” Little told 1010 WINS.

Little told 1010 WINS that the rat didn’t eat the entire slice of pizza, but left it on the stairs after he finished filming.

“I like to think he was sharing with us, like he saw me and my friend Pat coming down the stairs and he said ‘well that looks like two hungry guys,’ and left the rest of it for us,” Little said.

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