
WATCH: Tim Eyman's confrontation at the Seattle mayor's office over $30 car tabs

Seattle's mayor and city attorney said they're confident the voter-approved $30 car tab measure is unconstitutional, and will file a lawsuit.

But anti-tax activist Tim Eyman, who wrote the initiative, said his initiative is fine -- and that Seattle shouldn't override the will of voters statewide.

King County Executive Dow Constantine also said the county is exploring legal options to challenge Initiative 976.

Eyman spoke to reporters Thursday outside the mayor's conference room at City Hall. Watch that video here (or the first video above).

The moment Eyman was denied entry to the room can be seen here (also the second video above).

Video of Durkan's briefing is available here (also the third video above).

A moment afterward when a transit rider talked with Eyman can be watched here (also the fourth video above).

Follow this link to read a Q&A about the $30 car tab initiative.

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