
Tone shifts as 8th day of protests continue in Seattle

SEATTLE — Changes to the mood and tone of the protestors were apparent Friday as they marched in the streets of Seattle for the 8th day running.

Some of these changes were attributed to demands being met by the Seattle Police Department.

Crowds have been sizeable as many gathered in the Central District.

At times, the mood has been almost festive but with a definite purpose.

Protests have remained peaceful throughout the day.

There were cultural performances as part of the protests.

Some protesters even shared their first experiences with racism with law enforcement.

Not only do demonstrators plan to continue protesting but they said they would keep the pressure on Mayor Jenny Durkan and Police Chief Carmen Best to make changes.

One of the biggest changes protesters called for is the investment in black communities. They specifically called for repurposing underutilized public land and buildings, such as a decommissioned fire station.

That land would then go to black-led organizations for use as community centers and affordable housing.

Many of the demonstrators have also called for the police budget to be cut in half, but Mayor Jenny Durkan has said that will not happen.

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