
Swastika spray-painted in Bellevue park

BELLEVUE, Wash. — Bellevue police are investigating some disturbing graffiti, including a swastika, in the city’s downtown park.

On the park’s north side, a black Nazi symbol with a red “cross-out” symbol was spray-painted near some American flags that were set up for Veterans Day.

Officers are unsure if the swastika with the red cross-out was misguided anti-hate message -- or if one person drew the swastika and then another person crossed it out.

Just at KIRO 7 arrived to look at the graffiti a man, who claimed to be with the parks department, but looked very unofficial, was spray-painting over the swastika with white paint.

Allie Larson, who sometimes walks through the park, also sees the swastika as part of the wave of hate following the election of Donald Trump.

“It’s very disappointing to see how many people are so openly racist, sexist, homophobic, now that the election has happened,” Larson said.

“It’s almost like they’ve been validated, and it’s just very sad to see.”

However, others thought the swastika was albeit disturbing, but probably just teens acting out.

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