
Environmental and anti-violence groups protest Seafair’s star attraction

SEATTLE — One of Seafair’s most sought-after events has been the Blue Angels. Their twists and trick across the sky have been wowing Seattlelites for years. But during their performance Sunday, we also saw a sea of protestors.

Local environmental and anti-violence groups came together with signs and chants. They told us they’re not anti-Seafair, they’re anti-Blue Angels.

Their list of grievances are include safety risks with their trick and low-flying moves, pollution, and excessive noise.

“We’re here to raise the consciousness of what the pollution effect is of the blue angels – noise wise and fuel wise, and the militarization of the event,” said protestor Will Alleckson.

Alleckson told us that despite him being a veteran, he doesn’t believe that the Navy or any military organization should have a prominent role in the event.

The group of protestors said they are already looking to next year’s Seafair. They plan to return if the Blue Angels are invited back.