
Caught on camera: Thieves steal 300 lb. safe from beauty supply store

The woman who runs a beauty supply store in West Seattle is speaking out after thieves broke in and stole a safe from her business in May.

The safe contained many items including cash and jewelry, according Sheri Wallace. Wallace manages Jan's Beauty Supply and worked at there for more than 30 years.

The burglary happened overnight on May 24. Surveillance cameras show two men opening the door with a key that they stole from a lock box outside the business.

But they didn't steal anything from the shop itself.

Two and a half hours later, they came back downstairs with safe that weighs more than 300 pounds, according to Seattle Police.

Surveillance cameras show the suspects using a cart to haul the item to their car. The suspects are careful to cover their faces with their hands.

"Never to be seen again, the safe or the cart," says Wallace, "They knew how to get in here, how to get out in different ways that most people don't know. That's troubling."

Wallace has more questions than answers. The safe was in a room that was hidden upstairs. She doesn't know how the suspects knew it was even there.

"It's a very weird feeling, who are these people and why would they do this to us?" she said.

Wallace is certain the men were familiar with the business. She doesn't know why Jan's Beauty was targeted and has lingering concerns about safety.

Police are still searching for the suspects.