
Bike share company hopes to curtail irresponsible parking problem

SEATTLE — The bike sharing company LimeBike could soon be rolling out a new plan that could help encourage more responsible parking of its bicycles.

Since nearly 8,000 shared bikes from bike share companies LimeBike, Spin Bike and Ofo have come to Seattle as part of a pilot program, some riders have been leaving them irresponsibly parked across the city.

With the use of companies' apps, riders can find a bike nearby and then leave it wherever their ride ends.

But some riders have been taking the idea a little too far. The bikes have been found everywhere from the top of the Fremont Troll’s head to perched atop ferry pilings.

PHOTOS: Bikes in share programs left irresponsibly parked throughout Seattle

Now LimeBike is hoping to curtail the problem. The idea is aside from using their app to locate bikes, users could soon find designated parking spots for them as well, according to an article in Redcode.

The hope is that the addition to the app will help riders will do their part, but incentives may also be introduced.

In exchange for parking bikes correctly, they could get free or discounted rides.

Or businesses that allow their storefronts to become parking spots could get their own benefits.

KIRO 7 News asked questions about regulations when the bikes began blocking right-of-ways, dotted city park lawns, and created possible accessibility issues on sidewalks.

So far, there is no word on when the parking portion will be available on LimeBike's app.