
90 pounds of meat stolen from Seattle restaurant

A thief targeted a Seattle restaurant and the incident was caught on camera.

The theft happened at May Restaurant and Lounge on North 45th Street in the Wallingford neighborhood. early Tuesday.

The suspected thief skipped the cash register and headed for the freezers, and made off with a bunch of meat.

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The real confusion for the manager, Tuck Tongpattanakul, is that the thief took 90 pounds of meat, and the surveillance video shows him in the process.

“Can't imagine somebody take, that much meat. Is there a black market for meat in Seattle?” Tongpattanakul said. “I can see five pound, six pound, ten pound maybe, nearly 100 pounds of meat, how do you move that much meat.”

The surveillance video shows a man in a hooded sweatshirt rifling through the freezers, he looks around, even covers the cameras. At one point he even gets on the phone and calls someone.

The restaurant manager guessed it was someone who helped him since it would be nearly impossible to 90 pounds of beef, shrimp, squid, prawns alone.

“We just had meat delivered on Monday and Tuesday it got Stolen.

Every Monday we get meat in and we prep them for the week, and it gets stolen. We spent those hours and it's gone to waste.”

Tongpattanakul guesses the loss of the meat could amount to a few thousand dollars if you consider prep time and sales. He also says the freezers have been raided before. The first time someone stole meat, they took chicken and ice cream.

Tongpattanakul said graffiti has been a constant problem in front of his restaurant.

“We got spray-painters taggers… every other week somebody's tagging it and I have to clean it up.”

Tongpattanakul said he threw away the meat that wasn’t' stolen because it was touched by the thief.

He also says he filed a police report, but isn't sure he can file an insurance claim. He hopes to tell his story and showing the crime might deter someone from making off with his meat. Until then, he may put padlocks on the freezer.

“You can put a chain on it I guess, but that's a bit over the top...so I don't know if this happens again I really don't know what to do.”

The restaurant did re-order the meat and is open, it never closed despite losing and replacing its stock.

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