
North Sound homeowner dodges disaster after pipes nearly burst from bitter cold

NORTH SOUND, Wash. — It was a scary and very close call for one North Sound homeowner whose pipes were on the verge of bursting from the bitter cold Friday morning.

Thankfully, a plumber came out just in time before the worst could’ve happened.

“Frozen pipes, we’re gonna replace one,” said Bryan Jones, who’s a plumber with Homage.

He has helped provide services for seniors in Snohomish County for years.

On Friday, he was called out to a mobile home with pipes that had frozen over.

“This block line that they used coming into their house, there’s water that froze inside of this and that’s what I’ve been doin’ for the past 20 minutes, trying to figure out where it froze,” Jones explained.

In this case, Jones tells KIRO 7 the line wasn’t insulated enough underneath the house.

But it was the homeowner, John, who first realized something was wrong when he woke up.

“I went to flush the toilet and that’s when I first noticed when the water filled up the tank and I ran the faucet and I realized that the pipes must’ve frozen,” said John.

In his 14 years of living here, John says it’s the first time this has happened. After experiencing it firsthand, he’s going to make some changes.

“I think I’m going to leave my pipes running at night, I’ve heard that too, but I’ve never had to do it before,” he said.

That’s advice that Jones agrees with. Jones advises letting your faucets trickle keeps water moving while leaving cabinets open to allow warm air to circulate.

“If they have doubts about what they’re doing, stop. Just don’t do it,” he said.

Jones warns against trying to fix it yourself and to call for help immediately.

“I’ve seen hoses ran for main lines and that’s no good ever,” Jones explained. “I wouldn’t recommend leaving a space heater going underneath your house, I would not recommend that.”

Here are some tips you should keep in mind when dealing with freezing temperatures:

· Check your car – Soda and beer can explode if left in the car and water will freeze up.

· Keep car gassed up - Triple A says at least half a tank can prevent fuel lines from freezing up.

· Bring in patio furniture – Saves them from freezing over and prevents mold & mildew build-up.

· Cover your plants – Draping over blankets, towels, and tarps can help stop the frost.

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