
Nicole Eggert on Scott Baio: 'What kind of person hires a crisis manager? A guilty one'

Scott Baio is intent on clearing his name when it comes to his former "Charles in Charge" co-star Nicole Eggert's allegations of sexual assault.

The Associated Press reports that in June the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, citing the expired statute of limitations, declined to file charges against the 57-year-old best known for his roles on "Happy Days" and its spinoff "Joanie Loves Chachi."

In February, Eggert, 46, took her assault claim to the Los Angeles Police Department following an appearance on the CBS daytime program "The Talk." Eggert alleged her experiences with Baio while filming "Charles in Charge" ranged from flirting and inappropriate touching when she was 14 to intercourse when she was 17. (Baio is about 12 years Eggert's senior.)

Thursday, in a press conference livestreamed on his Facebook page, Baio offered examples from statements provided to the LAPD claiming Eggert was "obsessed" with Baio and displayed behavior that was "borderline stalking."

"Hopefully with all this information that we have, the fact that the police never talked to me – I'm assuming because of the mountain of evidence that we gave them... (I hope) that its over," Baio said. "What else can she say? (We have) polygraph evidence, (she) got caught 50 different ways not telling the truth – unless she wants to fabricate something else I didn't do.”

Prior to the start of the press conference, Baio previewed its content in a release issued to USA TODAY via his rep, Brian Glicklich. "For months, Nicole Eggert's claims about me have changed over and over, and become less believable every time. We have pointed out her inconsistences (sic) and inaccuracies as they have occurred, but no one has put the puzzle pieces of her behavior together," the statement read. "In recent weeks, she has even expanded her harassment to include my wife, her foundation, and others around me.

The statement continued, "We have significant new information, based on witness accounts we have gathered over the last several months, and look forward to sharing it. We also have some brand new information to share with you that may cause you to see Nicole Eggert's stories from a different perspective."

Official documents provided by Baio’s representative indicate two separate polygraph sessions, each conducted by a different examiner. The first featured a pre-test interview and polygraph examination. The second included a pre-test, an acquaintance test and a comparison-question test. Both examiners concluded Baio was “likely telling the truth” and there was “no deception indicated.”

Each test featured the same four questions, with Baio saying no to each:

  • "Did you have any kind of sexual contact with Nicole Eggert before she turned 18 years old?"
  • "Did you put your fingers in Nicole Eggert's vagina before she was 18 years old?"
  • "Have you ever threatened Nicole Eggert that she needed to keep your alleged sexual contact with her a secret?"
  • "Have you ever exposed your genitals to Alexander Polinsky?"

The question about Polinsky refers to another one of Baio's "Charles in Charge" co-stars, who previously accused Baio of sexually harassing him on the show's set while Polinsky, 43, was a minor. The LAPD confirmed to USA TODAY in February that they were looking into the allegations.

The Blast reported Wednesday that Baio and his wife, Renee Sloan, filed a police report against Eggert complaining of harassment and noted the couple had provided the LAPD with "documentation of tweets and messages where they claim the former 'Baywatch' star has been tormenting the couple."

Baio's representative confirmed that he is currently seeking a temporary restraining order against Eggert. In Los Angeles, such requests are made by filing paperwork with LA Superior Court and appearing before a judge to explain why a protection order is necessary. If the request is granted, the applicant is given a court date within a month and a protective order (to be given to the defendant and local police) good until that date, at which time, the order can be extended as long as five years. (LAPD public affairs officer Drake Madison  told USA TODAY said the police  hadn't been made aware of a report being filed as of Thursday evening.)

In late July, The Blast also reported that Eggert received a temporary restraining order against Glicklich, ordering him to stay away from her, her two daughters and her elderly mother. Its story also noted that Eggert's application claimed that he "harasses her online and in the media."

Glicklich told USA TODAY he was "not denying (the temporary restraining order) in total," but that "her primary effort to silence my speech was denied."  He added he planned to "oppose the portion of the order that was granted" at a court hearing on Aug. 21.

He plans to detail the harassment Eggert directed at him, "including her invoking the Anonymous hacktivist group, personally publishing my home information, and more. After the order is terminated, I will pursue an anti-SLAPP motion and other litigation against her," he vowed, referring to a California statute intended to offer a legal defense against frivolous and expensive lawsuits brought by powerful individuals or organizations whose main purpose is to censor, intimidate or silence critics through legal fees, document dumps and other demands.

In a statement issued to USA TODAY through her rep, JD Sobol, Eggert wrote off the press conference as a diversion tactic: "This was nothing more than a desperate attempt to distract from the fact that I filed for a restraining order against Baio’s paid crisis manager that has been relentlessly stalking, harassing and threatening me," her statement read. "Baio can try to create whatever false narrative about me that he would like, but I, however, have never molested or sexually abused anyone. Nor have I stalked or harassed."

She continued, "What kind of person hires a fixer/crisis manager? A guilty one." (Glicklich is described as an "expert authority and regular broadcast & print commentator on crisis and strategic communications management" on his website.)

"Victim shaming is despicable and needs to stop," Eggert added. "I will continue my focus on the restraining order to put an end to this and allow me to work on healing."

Contributing: Maria Puente, Jayme Deerwester,  The Associated Press

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