Tacoma garage fire 10-29-21 Fire crews were able to keep a garage fire in Tacoma from spreading to nearby homes Friday morning. Firefighters were called to the 400 block of East 72nd Street around 2:45 a.m. (Tacoma Fire Department)
Tacoma garage fire 10-29-31 They arrived to find a garage fully involved in flames and started a defensive attack to help protect adjacent homes. (Tacoma Fire Department)
Tacoma garage fire 10-29-31 Two more engines were requested to keep the fire from spreading. (Tacoma Fire Department)
Tacoma garage fire 10-29-31 Crews used circular saws to cut a chain link fence so they could get better access to protect homes exposed to the flames. (Tacoma Fire Department)
Tacoma garage fire 10-29-31 Crews used circular saws to cut a chain link fence so they could get better access to protect homes exposed to the flames. (Tacoma Fire Department)
Tacoma garage fire 10-29-31 Around 3:45 a.m., Tacoma Fire said the flames were under control and crews would continue putting out hot spots. (Tacoma Fire Department)
Tacoma garage fire 10-29-31 No one was hurt and the fire was contained to the garage where it started. (Tacoma Fire Department)