
Bellevue couple allegedly stabbed by woman allowed to stay in yard

BELLEVUE, Wash. — The Bellevue Police and Fire Departments responded to a stabbing of two Bellevue residents by a woman who had been staying on their property for the past few weeks, according to police.

Cresencia Everett, 40, is now in custody at the King County Jail and faces two counts of assault.

Police responded at 5 p.m.on Saturday to a report of a stabbing in progress at a home in Bellevue, arriving within two minutes and locating a 76-year-old female bleeding in the street. Responders provided the woman with first aid.

The suspect allegedly violently attacked the two victims, the woman and her 83-year-old husband, inside the residence with a large knife.

The man was in the living room at the time of the attack and sustained numerous defensive wounds.

He was able to tell officers that the suspect used a flammable liquid to set several parts of the house on fire, but the flames never spread throughout the house.

Court documents identified the victims as Glenn Hall and his wife, Carolyn Hall.

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“It's frightening to think somebody so generous could have something so horrific happen to them,” said neighbor Cheryl Brown.

Officers located a 40-year-old female suspect trying to leave the scene on foot. She was detained by officers at the scene. Investigators learned that the woman had been living at the residence for the past few weeks.

“The amount of aggression and violence that had to be used in this case to result in lacerations on  Carolyn Hall's neck, face, both her hands, lacerations to her chest,” said the prosecutor in court.

The prosecutor also said Glenn Hall had a significant puncture wound to his right collarbone and cuts to his neck, face and hands.

Carolyn Hall, bleeding, ran to a neighbor's home for help and feared her husband was dead.

“This could potentially almost have been a homicide. Bail is set at $400,000,” said Judge Mark Chow.

Another neighbor allowed KIRO 7 to shoot from her backyard, from where the tent pitched in the Halls' backyard was visible.

She told KIRO 7 the tent went up in the last few weeks.

According to neighbors, this isn't the first homeless person the Halls have taken in.

“I was made aware by other neighbors who were concerned over their welfare and what may happen in the neighborhood,” explained Brown. “They had their heart in the right place trying to get people back off the streets and give them a hand up but there's other ways to do it.”

Both the prosecutor and defense acknowledged Everett may have a mental health issue.

Court documents also show Everett had dried blood on her hands and legs when police found her, but no motive was given.

The Halls are recovering at Harborview Medical Center and requesting privacy.

Everett’s next court date is scheduled for Aug. 1.

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