Intravenous therapy: A quick fix for dehydration and vitamin deficiency

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45 minutes, 500 milliliters, and an array of vitamins and minerals for you to choose from.

Intravenous therapy, commonly referred to as “IV therapy,” isn’t new but it remains trendy among the health-conscious.

Vitamin C, B-12, and B-Complex may be in your medicine cabinet right now, but there are some add-ons you can opt for through IV therapy.

The under-an-hour treatments allow for 100% of what you’re getting to go straight into your system.

According to Amanda Snook, co-owner of Vitality Queen Anne MedSpa and one of the phlebotomists certified to administer IVs, clients can expect to feel the full effects of their service by the next day.

There are some serious pros and cons to that.

The pros? If you’re dehydrated or vitamin deficient, treatment could alleviate problems quickly.

The cons? By bypassing your body’s natural filtration system, like anything, too much of anything could pose serious risks. Like any medical-related service, it’s essential to consult with a medical professional before engaging in any treatments no matter how trendy they may be.

At Vitality Queen Anne MedSpa, Snook told KIRO 7, “We really pay attention to your new patient paperwork, and we’ll look over it if you have any heart conditions or autoimmune stuff.”

The MedSpa offers several “cocktails” and even a few wellness shots, but ultimately each treatment is completely customizable.

Curious about the concoctions? Here’s a list of IV therapies offered at Vitality MedSpa.