Red algae blooms in Puget Sound not "red tide"

OLYMPIA, Wash. — The Washington State Department of Ecology said the red algae blooming currently in Puget Sound are harmless to people.

Lab tests show the red-orange blooms are not the so-called "red tide," which refers to paralytic shellfish poisoning.

Reports of algae blooms are coming in from around the area, from Bainbridge Island to the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Ecology officials said the single-celled micro-organism occurs normally this time of year. This type of plankton does not photosynthesize but gets its red color from the phytoplankton it eats.

The harmless red-orange algae is Noctiluca (nock-ti-LU-kah).

It may appear as large red-brown streaks along current and tidal convergence lines.

Ecology officials thank the public for keeping them informed about the health of Puget Sound.

Chopper 7 was over the bloom in Puget Sound on Thursday.