Visited these Seattle buildings? Measles case creates exposure concern

Measles virus under a microscope via CDC.

King County health leaders are warning people in Seattle about a confirmed measles infection in a father and infant who may have exposed others while contagious.

People should check the exposure locations – which include Amazon buildings – and their immunization records and call a health care provider promptly if they develop symptoms.

Locations of potential exposure to measles

King County Public Health Most people in our area have immunity to the measles through vaccination, so the risk to the general public is low. However, all persons who were in the following locations around the same time as the individuals with measles should:

Before they were diagnosed with measles, the infected individuals were in the following public locations. Anyone who was at the following locations during the times listed was possibly exposed to measles:

If you were at the locations at the times listed above and are not immune to measles, the most likely time you would become sick is between March 21, 2017 and April 8, 2017.

What to do if you were in a location of potential measles exposure

  • Find out if they have been vaccinated for measles or have had measles previously, and
  • Call a health care provider promptly if they develop an illness with fever or illness with an unexplained rash between March 21 and April 8, 2017. To avoid possibly spreading measles to other patients, do not go to a clinic or hospital without calling first to tell them you want to be evaluated for measles.

About measles

Measles is a highly contagious and potentially severe disease that causes fever, rash, cough, and red, watery eyes. It is mainly spread through the air after a person with measles coughs or sneezes.

Measles symptoms begin seven to 21 days after exposure. Measles is contagious from approximately four days before the rash appears through four days after the rash appears. People can spread measles before they have the characteristic measles rash.

People at highest risk from exposure to measles include those who are unvaccinated, pregnant women, infants under six months of age and those with weakened immune systems.