Statewide vehicle thefts on the rise in 2022 compared to 2021

The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs revealed data from the Washington State Patrol on Wednesday that shows vehicle thefts have skyrocketed across the state in 2022 compared to 2021.

According to the data, thefts have increased 88% from 2021 through the end of March. For the month of March alone, vehicle thefts went up 99% this year compared to 2021.

The data also shows that vehicle thefts have increased 93% since certain new laws went into effect in July 2021.

According to WASPC, the increase in vehicle thefts is a result of restrictions on the tools law enforcement can use to detain, pursue and investigate suspects.

Between the start of the pandemic in February 2020 and those laws going into effect in July 2021, vehicle thefts had increased 25%.

“I have never seen criminals as emboldened as they are now,” said WASPC executive director Steve Strachan. “Our mayors, law enforcement and the community asked for help, and the legislature made the specific decision to continue to allow for brazen contempt for the law. No one wants more pursuits, which are inherently dangerous, but current law has created an atmosphere of flouting the law, even on simple traffic stops.”

The data shows that a total of 26,520 vehicles were stolen in 2020 and 31,032 were stolen in 2021. If the trend holds, WASPC estimates that over 50,000 vehicles could be stolen in 2022.