Seattle Public Schools plan for fall

SEATTLE — Leaders with Seattle Public Schools are planning for the 2020-21 school year as this school year wraps up.

The school district announced that all campuses would reopen in the fall, but only if King County was in Phase 4 of Gov. Jay Inslee’s reopening plan.

“If we are, in alignment with public health agency recommendations and the governor’s plan, school will resume as normal and students, who choose to, will return to face-to-face classroom instruction,” according to a post on the district’s website.

Because of the uncertainty of what will happen, the district said a contingency plan will be needed, including how it will address a potential resurgence of COVID-19 in its community.

For in-person instruction:

  • Online learning will be provided as an opt-in option for any family that does not want to return in person. This option will also be available in the event buildings remain closed through fall, or close abruptly due to a resurgence of COVID-19. Online learning will be high-quality and consistently provided with clearer expectations and accountability for instruction and assignments. Online learning will be provided on a reliable schedule that includes live instruction, video lessons, and small group supports, etc. Over the summer months, educators, school leaders, and a digital learning task force will prepare for delivery of these enhanced supports.

If the county’s still in Phase 2, like it is now, or Phase 3, students will be given a hybrid option:

  • A blended model with some in-person learning for all K-12 students and some remote, online instruction. This scenario is highly dependent on public health guidelines and if we are in Phase 2 or 3 in the fall. It was determined by the Reopening Leadership Team with input from the engagement teams that while the hope is to provide in-person class time for everyone, social distancing guidelines may require a phased-in approach or starting with smaller student numbers. In doing that, priority would be given to students of color furthest from educational justice, students who require in-person therapy, students who receive Special Education services or IEP supports that can’t be delivered online, students who receive services as English Learners, and students supported by McKinney Vento – students experiencing homelessness or unstable housing. Teams also expressed interest in providing additional in-person instruction for K-3 students and students in transition years – sixth grade and ninth grade. The schedule for a blended model, part-time in person and part-time remote learning, is yet to be determined. The in-person schedule is dependent on the physical capacity of our buildings. We are exploring partnerships with community organizations to increase space capacity.

The district has assembled four engagement teams consisting of more than 100 people to help develop priorities for school in the fall.

A detailed fall reopening plan is expected to be presented to the school board on June 30 during a public work session.