Seated scooters launch in Seattle

SEATTLE — As part of Seattle’s electric powered scooter-share program, micromobility company Wheels is deploying seated scooters around the city.

Wheels says the seated riding position provides a more stable and safer ride to serve more people and those who might be wary of trying a stand-up scooter.  The scooters also have large, 14-inch tires that help create a smooth ride over uneven surfaces.

Initially, 20% of the Wheels' scooters will come with their own helmet system, in which reusable helmets are integrated directly into the back of the scooter. Removable biodegradable liners are included, and eventually the whole Seattle fleet will be equipped with the system.

Like other shared scooters and bikes, Wheels scooters are unlocked via app.

Wheels said that coming soon are custom-made self-sanitizing surfaces on handlebars and brake levers. Field teams will sanitize the scooters at hub locations where the scooters are deployed.

The company says half its riders are women and one-third are older than 35.