More than 60,000 in Seattle spend more than 90 minutes getting to work

SEATTLE — A new report says tens of thousands of Seattle commuters are spending at least 90 minutes trying to get to work every day. calls them super commuters.

The report says there are at least 61,000 of them in the Seattle area, but our region didn't break the top ten cities with the highest numbers.

Nationwide, one in 36 commuters are super commuters.

ApartmentList says super commuters are more likely to rely on public transportation than those with shorter commutes.

The report says in San Francisco, the share of super commuters jumped 112 percent between 2005 and 2016.

In comparison, the number of super commuters in Seattle jumped 65 percent between 2005 and 2015.

The top 10 metro areas with the highest share of super commuters follows:

  1. Stockton, CA
  2. Modesto, CA
  3. Riverside, CA
  4. New York, NY
  5. Bridgeport, CT
  6. San Francisco, CA
  7. Washington, DC
  8. Allentown, PA
  9. Atlanta, GA
  10. Los Angeles, CA

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